2016 年度の登録症例は 34 症例で、マラリア 23 例、トキソプラズマ症 8 例、肝蛭症 3 例であった。
抗マラリア薬アルテメテル/ルメファントリン配合錠(リアメット錠)が承認されたことによりクロロキンを除くすべての経口の抗マラリア薬が入手可能になり、トキソプラズマ症の比重が高くなった。リアメット錠の成分検定で、アルテメテルとルメファントリンのほか、主要な添加剤と思われるHPMC の錠剤内分布特性を評価することができた。
重篤有害事象の報告は 2 件で、いずれもキニーネ注射薬が投与された熱帯熱マラリア症例における死亡であった。キニーネの安全性に関して 2002〜2016 年の 43 症例を分析したところ、副作用有13 例、無 25 例、不明 5 例であった。多くはいわゆるシンコニズムで QT 延長もみられた。G6PD 欠損症のスクリーニングは 3 例実施したが欠損例はなかった。
海外で使用されているマラリア迅速診断キットの有効性を検討した。59例に使用し5例が陽性で、感度・特異度・陽性的中率・陰性的中率ともに 100%であった。マラリア以外の寄生虫感染症では、幅広く原虫と蠕虫症の臨床検体からの分子同定を実施し、従来から使用されてきた分子同定手法の改善も達成できた。さらに、組換え抗原を用いた抗寄生虫抗体検査で、糞線虫症で有望な結果が得ら
日本国内の代表的な食品由来寄生虫症である動物由来回虫症と肺吸虫症について、2001 年から2015 年までの症例をまとめた。その結果、動物由来回虫症 911 症例の解析では、欧米と違って患者は小児に少なく成人男性に多いことと、近畿地方に患者発生が多いことを明らかにした。感染源は牛の生肉あるいは生レバーが最も疑わしかった。肺吸虫症では感染源としてのシカ肉の重要性が明ら
Our mission is to establish optimal medical care network for rare imported and domestic parasitic diseases in Japan. In order to archive this purpose, we imported nationally unlicensed medicines for the treatment, which are used in standard treatment protocols in European and North American countries, and. evaluated efficacy and in safety of them in Japanese patients. As for the diagnosis, we introduced rapid diagnosis test kits for malaria, performed PCR-based molecular diagnosis for protozoan and parasitic worm infections. We also conducted etiological survey of parasitic diseases in Japan.
1) Treatment with Nationally Unlicensed Medicines (Sub-projects: ‘Importation, management and distribution
of unlicensed drugs for parasitic diseases’, ‘Efficacy and safety of nationally unlicensed medicines, and adequate
provision of the information’)
Between April 2016 and March 2017, 34 patients (24 malaria, 8 toxoplasmosis, and 3 fasciolosis) were treated with imported medicines, which remain unlicensed in Japan, at hospitals across the nation belonging to the Research Group. Two severe adverse events were reported, both of which were fatal cases of severe falciparum malaria. Because primaquine and artemether-lumefantrine tablets were put on market in June 2016 and March 2017, respectively, all oral anti-malaria drugs, except for chloroquine, are now available. We expect that toxoplasmosis will become a major disease in our study.
We analyzed clinical reports of 43 cases treated with injectable quinine between 2002 and 2016. Adverse side effects were reported in 13 cases, in which major adverse side effects was so-called cinchonism, including nausea, vomiting, and tinnitus, followed by prolonged QT in ECG.
Non-destructive testing for components distribution in each tablet was established for artemetherlumefantrine
(Riamet ®), which would enable the identification of low quality or fake medicine.
2) Research and Development of Laboratory Diagnosis (Sub-projects: ‘Investigation of diagnosis and treatment of malaria’, ‘Standardization of molecular detection methods for protozoan diseases and validation for their clinical use’)
We tested malaria rapid diagnosis test (RDT) kits (BinaxNOW ® Malaria), still unlicensed in Japan, in 59 patents who were suspected as having malaria. Five cases were positive for malaria antigen in RDT, who were confirmed infection by microscopic examination. Positive predictive value (PPV) as well as negative predictive value (NPP) were 100% as in our previous study.
Beside malaria, we established PCR-based DNA diagnosis method for most of the protozoan and worm infections. We obtained promising results in antibody test for strongyloidiasis with a recombinant antigen.
3) Etiology of Parasitic Diseases in Japan (Sub-projects: ‘Seroetiology of parasitic diseases in Japan and evaluation of the treatment’, ‘Data collection and analysis of epidemiology of parasitic diseases in Japan and other endemic areas’)
We conducted retrospective studies on larva migrans syndrome (LMS) and paragonimiasis in Japan in the last 15 years. It turned out that LMS caused by Toxocara or Ascaris is primarily a disease of adult males in Japan, but not children as in Western countries. Patients probably acquired infections by eating raw or undercooked animal meat/liver. In paragominiasis, we found that substantial portion of Japanese patients infected by consuming raw venison, which is called ‘shika-sashi’, in Japan. Overall contribution of venison was estimated to be 6.8% to 20.0%, which was particularly high in mountainous regions of Gifu and Oita.
(1)学会誌・雑誌等における論文一覧(国内誌 6 件、国際誌 15 件)
1. Kobayashi T, Hayakawa K, Kato Y. A 41-year-old man with fever and dark-coloured urine. J Travel Med.
2016, 23 pii:taw004
2. 馳 亮太, 伊藤禎浩, 福田和司, 所 正治, 永元健啓. 確定診断に PCR 検査が有用であったアメーバ性肝膿瘍の 1 例. 日本臨床寄生虫学会誌 2016, 27(1), 84-6.
3. Matono T, Kato Y, Yotsu R, Ohmagari N. Tungiasis: diagnosis at a glance. Lancet. 2016, 388, 275.
4. Nguyen YTH, Wang Z, Maruyama H, Horii Y, Nonaka N, Yoshida A. Evaluation of real-time PCR assay
for the detection of Ascaris suum contamination in meat and organ meats. J Food Saf, 2016, published
online: DOI: 10.1111/jfs.12306. (in press)
5. Yoshida A, Hombu A, Wang Z, Maruyama H. Larva migrans syndrome caused by Toxocara and Ascarisroundworm infections in Japanese patients. 2016, Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, Vol. 35(9):1521-1529,
DOI 10.1007/s10096-016-2693-x.
6. Matey EJ, Tokoro M, Mizuno T, Matsumura T, Nagamoto T, Bi X, Oyombra JA, Sang WK, Songok EM, Ichimura H. Positive correlation of HIV infection with Giardia intestinalis assemblage B but not with assemblage A in asymptomatic Kenyan children. AIDS. 2016, 30(15), 2385-7.
7. 木村幹男,高田修嗣.英国の院内感染対策を垣間見て.複十字 2016, No. 371 (2016.11),18–21.
8. Yoshida A, Kikuchi T, Nakagaki S, Maruyama H. Optimal ELISA antigen for the diagnosis of Ascaris suum infection in humans. Parasitol Res, 2016, Vol. 115(12), 4701-4705.
9. Yoshida A, Matsuo K, Moribe J, Tanaka R, Kikuchi T, Nagayasu E, Misawa N, Maruyama H. Venison,
another source of Paragonimus westermani infection. Parasitol Int, 2016, Vol. 65(6 Pt A), 607-612, doi:
10. Kikuchi T, Hino A, Tanaka T, Aung MP, Afrin T, Nagayasu E, Tanaka R, Higashiarakawa M, Win KK, Hirata T, Htike WW, Fujita J, Maruyama H: Genome-Wide Analyses of Individual Strongyloides stercoralis (Nematoda: Rhabditoidea) Provide Insights into Population Structure and Reproductive Life Cycles. 2016, PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10, e0005253
11. Yoshikawa H, Tokoro M, Nagamoto T, Arayama S, Asih PB, Rozi IE, Syafruddin D. Molecular survey of Blastocystis sp. from humans and associated animals in an Indonesian community with poor hygiene. Parasitol Int. 2016, 65(6 Pt B), 780-84.
12. Kaya D, Yoshikawa M, Nakatani T, Tomo-Oka F, Fujimoto Y, Ishida K, Fujinaga Y, Aihara Y, Nagamatsu S, Matsuo E, Tokoro M, Ouji Y, Kikuchi E. Ancylostoma ceylanicum hookworm infection in Japanese traveler who presented chronic diarrhea after return from Lao People's Democratic Republic. Parasitol Int. 2016, 65(6 Pt A), 737-40.
13. Matsubayashi M, Sasagawa Y, Aita T, Tokoro M, Haritani M, Shibahara T. First report of mixed Entamoeba polecki (ST 1) and E. suis infection in piglets shedding abnormalfeces by histopathological and molecular surveys. Acta Parasitol. 2016, 61(4), 665-70.
14. Imai K, Misawa K, Matsumura T, Fujikura Y, Mikita K, Tokoro M, Maeda T, Kawana A. Progressive HIVassociated
Cholangiopathy in an HIV Patient Treated with Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. Intern Med. 2016;55(19):2881-2884.
15. 志波大輝,篠原浩,片浪雄一,山元佳,忽那賢志,竹下望,早川佳代子,金川修造,大曲貴夫,加藤康幸.熱帯熱マラリアに電撃性紫斑病による四肢末梢壊死を合併した 1 例.日本臨床寄生虫学会誌. 2016,27,99-104.
16. 木村幹男,高田修嗣,中村(内山)ふくみ.英国における旅行医学の取り組み –-第 6 回北ヨーロッパ旅行医学会議の演題から–-.モダンフィジシャン 2016, 36, 1227–9.
17. 古賀道子,木村幹男.マラリア治療におけるアーテミシニン系薬.臨床と微生物.2016, 43, 272–5.
18. 日谷明裕、党雅子、本田なつ絵、叶一乃、春木宏介. テキストマイニングを用いた統計学的解析:旅行ガイドブックのマラリアに関する記述. 日本渡航医学会誌. 2016;10: 1-7.
19. Tada T, Hitani A, Hosono Honda N, Haruna S, Yoshimura T, Haruki K, Tanaka Y. A case of falciparum malaria:Acute hearting loss as the initial symptom. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy. 2017;23: 56-58.
20. Tsubokawa, D., Hatta, T., Kikuchi, T., Maeda, H., Mikami, F., Alim, M.A., Maruyama, H. and Tsuji, N.Venestatin, a Ca++-binding protein from the parasitic nematode Strongyloides venezuelensis, is involved in the larval migration process. 2017, International Journal for Parasitology.
21. Tsuboi M, Koizumi N, Hayakawa K, Kanagawa S, Ohmagari N, Kato Y. Imported Leptospira licerasiae infection in traveler returning to Japan from Brazil. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017, 23, 548-549.
1. Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine in imported malaria – The Japanese experience –. Poster,
Fukumi Nakamura-Uchiyama, Mikio Kimura, Yasuyuki Kato, Michiko Koga, Haruhiko Maruyama. 6th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine. 2016/6/1~2016/6/4, London, 国外.
2. Imported malaria in pregnant women in Japan. Poster, Mikio Kimura, Shuji Takada, Michiko Koga, Chihiro
Hasegawa, Yasuyuki Kato, Haruhiko Maruyama. 6th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine. 2016/6/1~2016/6/4, London, 国外.
3. 熱帯熱マラリアに電撃性紫斑病による四肢末梢壊死を合併した 1 例, 口頭, 志波大輝, 篠原浩, 片浪雄一, 山元佳, 忽那賢志, 竹下望, 早川佳代子, 金川修造, 大曲貴夫, 加藤康幸, 第 27 回日本臨床寄生虫学会大会, 2016/6/18, 国内.
4. ウエステルマン肺吸虫症の原因食品としてのシカ肉の可能性, 口頭, 吉田彩子, 松尾加代子, 長安英治, 丸山治彦, 第 26 回日本臨床寄生虫学会大会(宇都宮市), 2016/6/20, 国内.
5. 新規プライマーを用いた未同定遺伝子型大腸アメーバの探索, 口頭, 邊見詩帆, 所正治, Din Syafruddin, 第 34 回北陸病害動物研究会, 2016/7/2, 国内.
6. エンテロモナスの種内多型解析, 口頭, 永元健啓、所正治、Din Syafruddin, 第 34 回北陸病害動物研究会, 2016/7/2, 国内.
7. 国立国際医療研究センターにおける日本人渡航者の腸管原虫症の診療経験, 口頭, 武藤義和,忽那賢志,加藤康幸,大曲貴夫.第 20 回日本渡航医学会学術集会, 2016/7/23, 国内.
8. ミニシンポジウム「渡航相談対応や保健指導の看護職のスキルアップ」– 〈教育講演〉トラベルヘルスアドバイスの“理論”.口頭,木村幹男.第20回日本渡航医学会学術集会(倉敷市),2016/7/23,
9. 血清疫学的手法による鶏肉・内臓を介したヒトの動物由来回虫症への感染リスク評価, 口頭, 吉田彩子, Yen Thi Hoang Nguyen, 丸山治彦, 堀井洋一郎, 野中成晃, 第 159 回日本獣医学会学術集会(藤沢市), 2016/9/6~2016/9/8, 国内.
10. 肉用牛におけるトキソカラ属回虫、豚回虫感染の血清学的、分子生物学的検討, 口頭, 田中舜, 吉田彩子, 三澤尚明, 堀井洋一郎, 丸山治彦, 森友靖生, 野中成晃, 第 159 回日本獣医学会学術集会(藤沢市), 2016/9/6~2016/9/8, 国内.
11. Candidate antigens for specific detection of ascarid infection in chickens. 口頭, Yen Thi Hoang Nguyen, Ayako Yoshida, Haruhiko Maruyama, Yoichiro Horii, Nariaki Nonaka, 第 159 回日本獣医学会学術集会(藤沢市), 2016/9/6~2016/9/8, 国内.
12. 旅行者下痢症の発症に関与する因子の探索-旅行中の飲食物との関連について, ポスター, 党雅子, 日谷明裕, 藤井淑子, 本田なつ絵, 叶一乃, 貫田宗男, 春木宏介, 第 7 回国際観光医療学会学術集会(舞浜・千葉), 2016/10/8, 国内.
13. テキストマイニングを用いた統計学的解析:旅行ガイドブックのマラリアに関する記述
Statistical Analysis of Transcribed Date in Japanese Travel Guidebooks Using Test Mining Approach:Deacription of Malaria, ポスター, 日谷明裕, 党雅子, 本田なつ絵, 叶一乃, 春木宏介, 第 7 回国際観光医療学会学術集会(舞浜・千葉), 2016/10/8, 国内.
14. 途上国に分布する多様な腸管寄生原虫を検出する, 口頭, 所 正治, 第 72 回日本寄生虫学会西日本支部大会, 2016/10/15, 国内.
15. A retrospective study on efficacy and safety of albendazole for larva migrans syndrome caused by ascarid
nematodes in Japan. 口 頭 , Amy Hombu, Ayako Yoshida, Eiji Nagayasu, Mika Kuroki, Haruhiko Maruyama, 第 69 回日本寄生虫学会南日本支部大会・第 66 回日本衛生動物学会南日本支部大会合同大会(佐賀市),2016/11/5~2016/11/6,国内.
16. Development of Luciferase Immunoprecipitation Systems (LIPS) for serodiagnosis of Toxoplasmosis. 口頭 , Khin Myo Aye, Minami Baba, Eiji Nagayasu, Ayako Yoshida, Yasuhiro Takashima, Haruhiko Maruyama, 第 69 回日本寄生虫学会南日本支部大会・第 66 回日本衛生動物学会南日本支部大会合同大会(佐賀市),2016/11/5~2016/11/6,国内.
17. 肉用鶏における動物由来回虫症原因虫種に対する抗体保有状況の検討, 口頭, 吉田彩子、早田弥生、Yen Thi Hoang Nguyen、丸山治彦、野中成晃, 第 10 回蠕虫研究会(熱海市),2016/11/18~2016/11/19,国内.
18. 熱帯病治療薬研究班に登録された先天性および小児トキソプラズマ症(2013-2016 年), 口頭, 山元佳, 片浪雄一, 藤谷好弘, 馬渡桃子, 忽那賢志, 大曲貴夫, 加藤康幸, 木村幹男, 丸山治彦, 第48 回日本小児感染症学会学術集会, 2016/11/20, 国内.
19. Intestinal protozoan infections and HIV infection, 口頭, Masaharu Tokoro, Tetsushi Mizuno,Takehiro Nagamoto, Joko Hendarto, Elizabeth Jemaiyo Matey, Hiroshi Ichimura, Elijah Maritim Ssngok, The 14th Asian-Pacific Congress for Parasitic Zoonoses(国際学会), 2016/11/26, 国内.
20. Molecular taxonomic analysis of Retortamonas spp. detected from humans and related animals in Indonesia: Collection of novel references, 口頭, Joko Hendarto Tukimin, Takehiro Nagamoto, Tetsushi Mizuno, Din Syafruddin, Masaharu Tokoro, The 14th Asian-Pacific Congress for Parasitic Zoonoses(国際学会), 2016/11/26, 国内.
21. Survey on helminthic zoonosis associated with dogs in Lower Myanmar. 口頭, Nagayasu E, Myo Pa Pa Thet Hnin Htwe Aung, Wah Win Htike, Haruhiko Maruyama: Third Myanmar-Japan International Symposium, Pathein, Myanmar, 2016/12/6, 国外.
1. 類似画像解析の医療応用−病原体診断支援、書誌情報検索への活用について−, 所 正治, 第 4 回JAIST 金沢駅前セミナー(ポルテ金沢, 金沢), 2017/2/13, 国内.